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Enforcing Holiday Time Sharing During the Pandemic

| Oct 26, 2020 | Family Law

The holidays should be a time filled with family, laughter, and glad tidings. Unfortunately, this is far from the case for thousands of families around the country, especially divorced or separated parents. In fact, the holidays could be a rather contentious period for some because of child custody orders; who gets to spend the most time with the kids? How can one enforce equal time sharing during the most wonderful time of the year?

If you’ve run into problems enforcing child custody orders in the past, then you know how much heartache can inflict on both you and your children. The first step you can take towards protecting your children is working with an experienced divorce attorney who can help you navigate this sensitive process. Thankfully, Rotella & Hernandez is the team to answer your call; their combined experience and knowledge in Florida divorce proceedings and court orders have helped hundreds of clients get the time they deserve with their kids. Call us today at 305-596-3618 to schedule your free consultation.

Enforcing Child Custody Orders in Florida

The state of Florida both expects and encourages parents to continue cultivating their relationship with their children, even if the parents are no longer together. However, things can get messy pretty quickly if one parent starts dropping the ball consistently. If the parent who isn’t holding up their end of the bargain doesn’t have a good reason for doing so, the court can then impose sanctions on them, which usually takes the form of makeup timesharing and award of attorney’s fees.

Enforcing Child Custody Orders During the Holidays

Like most standard child custody orders, holiday time can be split in half, alternate every other year, or be explicitly assigned by the courts.

Enforcement of child custody orders is still pretty standard, with one notable exception: video conferencing options for court proceedings. That means that you can still take the non-compliant parent to court while practicing social distancing. It is highly recommended that you hire an experienced family law attorney to secure your holiday time sharing promptly as the holidays are fast approaching and the court calendar is quickly filling up.

How Rotella & Hernandez Can Help You

Every parent who’s gone through a divorce proceeding knows that negotiating child custody orders and contesting non-compliance is downright draining. If you’re worried this non-compliant behavior might continue into the holiday season, you’re not alone. In light of the global pandemic, Rotella & Hernandez have helped dozens of clients tweak their child custody orders so that the visitation schedules are more fair and in adherence with the CDC’s pandemic guidelines. If you have concerns over enforcing your child custody order during the upcoming holidays, give us a call at 305-596-3618 today.

